Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A modest lie-in and breakfast outside.  Met with some of our group at 10 am for a 'bonus' trip to Taos - some 70 miles from Santa Fe.  Photo shows view from our lunch cafe:

View of older Taos (from internet)

2 Claims to fame for Taos are:

- it was briefly the home of D H Lawrence and his wife Frieda in the 1920's; and,
- It was the location for several scenes of the movie 'Easy Rider' which Dennis Hopper directed and co-starred in with Peter Fonda.  The film was a huge success, capturing the 1960's zeitgeist and introducing Jack Nicholson in his first major role.  Alas future success eluded Hopper and a downward cycle of drugs and drink ensued.  We visited his (modest) resting place just outside Taos.

Great ride back to Santa Fe.  Went for a pre-dinner stroll.  

Early to bed in anticipation of being back on Route 66 in the morning.

Music Clips:

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